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Harry Fogarty
Nacido enUnited States
51 years
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Shirley Bringing Kelley home January 7, 2013
I remember the day we brought Kelley home from the hospital.  Harry was soooooo excited!  He carefully put her in the back of the hatchback with me so I could make sure she was ok for the ride home.  She was so small she didn't fit well in the carseat and almost slid out of the bottom even with the straps.  It must have taken an hour for Harry to drive the 20 minutes back home because he wanted to make sure the ride was smooth.  He parked, quietly popped the front seat forward, and slowly took the car seat out of the back to make sure he didn't wake her up.  Then he gently popped the front seat back in place, quietly shut the door to the car and went in the house.  And there I sat in the back of the car waiting for Harry to help me get out.  He never came back out:) 
The love of Harry's life was Kelley from her first day until his last.  I am sure in heaven, the love remains unchanged. 
Maureen Malloy
I remember the night before my wedding, Harry and I went out for a drink. I think he was trying to figure out if I was really going to do it. I didn't always understand my brother but I loved him deeply. He was so excited when Kelley was born. H e need her to be his daughter. I miss him.
kathy bidwell
I remember every time i wanted to walk to the store, i made harry go with me..he held my brush and i held the portable record(yes i said record) player so we could listen to songs on the way there a couple of years ago we re-inacted that scene..minus the hot pants..and we walked to the store near my house...him with brush in hand and me playing the music!! October 7 at 11:30pm · Like · Comment
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